Healogics Blog

A Guide to Pain Control

Written by Shanice Cook | Oct 24, 2019 5:45:00 PM


Don’t Put Up With Pain

A wound can often be painful. Doctors who work in wound care can help prevent or relieve the pain that may come from a problem wound.

Wound Pain Management: What Are the Options?

There are several things to consider in helping to prevent and control pain. Some methods involve taking medication while others are wound pain management things you can do by yourself. Your doctor will decide which ones are right for you.

Examples of Pain Control Methods

Follow your doctor’s advice in choosing the right pain control for you. Some wound care pain control methods are:

  • Aspirin
  • Acetaminophen
  • Narcotics
  • Relaxation
  • Listen to music
  • Cover the wound
  • Think pleasant thoughts

How to Describe Your Pain

You may be asked to rate your pain on a scale of “0 to 10.” Reporting your pain as a number helps the doctors and nurses know how well your plan is working and whether to make any changes.

What Can You Do To Help Keep Your Pain Under Control?

Keep a record of your pain medication schedule and how well it is working. Be prepared to discuss it with your doctor.

What Should You Talk to Your Doctor About?

  • Wound pain relief methods that have worked well or not so well, for you in the past
  • Concerns you may have about taking pain medicine
  • Allergies you have to pain medicine
  • Other ways to help you manage mild to moderate pain